If you have an EMERGENCY, call Adams Tank & Lift 1-727-540-0931. To create a new ticket for service, send an email to sitemaint@risseroil.com. You MUST utilize your Risser or Rally provided email account to create a new ticket. New ticket requests from any other email account will be ignored. Use separate ticket requests for different services, for example, submit a request for lighting repairs separate from a request for a pump repair. You will be contacted within two working days (Sat., Sun., and holidays excluded) for non-emergency service.

If there is property damage or injury then scroll down and click on the”Incident Report” and “Liability Loss Investigative Procedures” Form (in Adobe PDF format).  Send the completed report to your rep or maintenance.  Refer to your Lease Agreement for Maintenance Services and a complete explanation of Operator and Landlord responsibilities.  

  • Please do not send in a maintenance request, when you need “Pump Paper” or uniforms. The procedure for pump paper is to call Reception at the office 727-573-4000 or send an e-mail to reception@risseroil.com and ask for pump paper for your site number.  The procedure for uniforms is to an e-mail the request to reception@risseroil.com or sondrah@risseroil.com.
  • If you are low on fuel contact your Marketing Representative.
  • For Risser store report questions contact please contact Sheri Bell at sherib@risseroil.com or call 727-573-4000 Ext. 232.  For Rally store report questions please contact Valerie at ValerieL@risseroil.com or call 727-573-4000 Ext. 226.

No work will be performed without a Maintenance Form and prior approval.